Brandon sanderson books the way of kings series
Brandon sanderson books the way of kings series

brandon sanderson books the way of kings series

It’s true that Sanderson got a little bit wordy with his descriptions and explanations, and that the story ran a little slow in the middle, but I think most true epic fantasy is the at least approximately the same way. When I started this book, I was dying for a story that I could fall into, lose myself in, and feel surrounded by. I can’t even imagine Sanderson’s notes when he plots. The structure of this book is super complex and Roshar (the world) is huge. And Szeth – more of him too, please! He is a mystery. Her POV honestly felt repetitive and took such a long time to come to shape that I just spent so much of my time with her story wishing for more about Kaladin. It’s Dalinar’s part that makes me want to go back to the beginning and start over! Is this how it is with everyone else? I didn’t warm up to Shallan until about her last chapter or two. I grew to love Dalinar’s story too, but it took a little while. By the time his parts of the story neared the halfway part of the book and closer to the end, I could barely breath when I was reading about him.

brandon sanderson books the way of kings series

What a hero! My gosh, his POV’s gave me chills. Out of the three POVs (Kaladin, Dalinar, and Shallan): I loved every single second and word of Kaladin’s story and I wanted more. An epic fantasy reading experience literally cannot get any better than that. I read it over four weeks using an ebook, an old beat-up second-hand paperback (the best kind of book), and the audiobook.

brandon sanderson books the way of kings series

More than the story, I loved the experience of reading it. My first experience with Brandon Sanderson was a success! I loved The Way of Kings. Now there are four whom we watch: the surgeon, forced to forsake healing and fight in the most brutal war of our time the assassin, who weeps as he kills the liar, who wears her scholar's mantle over a thief's heart and the prince, whose eyes open to the ancient past as his thirst for battle wanes. Did our foes see that the harder they fought, the fiercer our resistance? Fire and hammer forge a sword time and neglect rust it away. In the end, not war but victory proved the greater test. When there was still magic in Roshar and honor in the hearts of men. Before the Heralds abandoned us and the Knights Radiant turned against us. I long for the days before the Last Desolation. Buy from Amazon| Buy from Barnes & Noble| Buy from Book Depository| Buy on Audible

Brandon sanderson books the way of kings series